Monday, August 10, 2015

In the garden - May

I can't believe that it's been 11 months since my last 'In the garden' post. Illness got in the
way and not much was done in the garden or anywhere really. I've been able to do a few bits and bobs in the last couple of months - but this has mainly consisted of pulling up horsetails. It's probably the one plant I would truly consider to be a weed. I fail to see that it provides any beauty in a garden setting. Along a roadside or streamside verge - I'm fine with that - but there's pretty much a war on in our front garden. And they're winning.

It's not a surprise really - apparently their rhizomes can root up to 2 metres deep. I'm planning on doing a post about them as they're interesting botanically, if not (in my opinion) horticulturally. Oh dear, here comes the rain again (the friend to horsetails). Luckily I've already been outside to get the last few photos I needed for this post.

Talking about photos - here they are...

While the Victoria plum put on a good performance, the stars of the show this year are the apple trees that Lucy bought last year. The trees aren't yet capable of holding many apples, but hopefully 3 or 5 each will reach our table!

The honeysuckle we planted last year is doing really well. We've moved the acer near it and we feel it creates a really nice corner. For the 'in between' spot we acquired a clock from Lucy's dad when he moved. In the clogs this year we're trying some ferns. We have some pelargoniums that my mum gave me for my birthday. Perhaps the wall could do with a climber - ivy maybe. Any thoughts?

In our raised beds, located in the front garden the snow-in-summer (above) and the ice plant (below) are doing very well and making the bed their own.

The hedge, which we planted a couple of years ago and pruned really short at the close of last year, is also doing nicely. I'm hopeful that it will continue to fill out and close the gaps, after which we can let it grow taller to provide a more enclosed space. Here's a photo of the dogwood in flower:

Things to look forward to are the salvia coming into bloom. This time last year it already was, but this year the flower spikes haven't even been formed - which is the same for a couple of other plants that 'should' be flowering soon. Also waiting on the strawberry plants. I wonder if/when the honeysuckle will flower this year. I think last year it flowered in August. Who knows, perhaps the Jet Stream will traverse in a Northerly direction and we'll have some summer!

I'm also on Grows On You a great website for meeting gardeners and keeping details of your own garden. Come along and visit at

If you have a garden update, I'd love to see it. Post a link in the comments below. Until next time, happy gardening!

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