Monday, August 10, 2015

Kitchen Help Wanted? Applicants here!

I love preparing things fresh in my kitchen, but I don't love when it takes forever or is a monotonous task. Sometimes, I feel like giving up and just buying store bought. Luckily, we offer some pretty nifty little gadgets that save me time and headache in the kitchen as I prepare to fill the bellies of my family. I have 3 neat little gadgets that I adore, which are all available at our website,

My favorite kitchen helper is my Progressive Food Chopper. I use it multiple times a week. It is great for chopping nearly anything. I have used it on many things including, peppers, tomatoes, cheese, chocolate, apples, strawberries, boiled eggs, even cooked meat to name a few. It is my all in one gadget when I make my Pico De Gallo (recipe available if you click on the name). I can not stress enough how helpful this little gadget is and how much prep time it saves me so I don't have to chop everything with a knife by hand.

Progressive Food Chopper
My children LOVE dried fruits and vegetables. They make easy snacks for school or when they just can't seem to fill that hollow leg at home. I like to buy in bulk from the Farmer's Market or when I catch my local grocery store offering a great sale on their favorite fruits. Our Victorio Food Dehydrator ensures that these nutritious goodies won't go to waste. We pack ours full of apples, bananas, peaches, even okra and green beans. Dehydrated okra is actually a favorite of our household. We stumbled across some at a local market, but I was appalled at the price per pound! I did buy some to try and the duplicate at home. Hunting season is coming upon us and I know my hunter needs fuel while he is out there. Jerky is perfect for that. When you make your own at home, you can season it how you want and you know everything that goes into it. Make the hunter in your life jerky on while he out there bringing you home more meat for your family. Then, use a little of that venison or wild game to make him, and y'all, even more. Trail mixes are also another snack that you can use your dehydrator to add variety to. Feeding your family healthy is super easy when you have a little help.

Victorio Food Dehydrator

It is no secret to anyone who knows me that I love to bake and I prefer to make everything from scratch when I can. This is especially true when it comes to pie filling. The store bought filling is good and easy in a pinch, but the freshness of homemade is divine in my opinion. Normally, it doesn't take a whole lot of extra work with fresh fruit, but cherries can be the exception. Cherry pie used to be a rare treat in our home because I despised fighting to pit cherries. Tedious and aggravating to do, until I found out about the Victorio Cherry Stoner, or sometimes referred to as a cherry pitter. The possibility of pitting up to 30lbs of cherries in an hour is such a time saver. The ease of pitting cherries now is amazing. I can also get the kids in on the work, which always makes for wonderful memories as we prepare pie filling, or simply prepare to can, freeze, or dehydrate our cherries. The cherry stoner is also great for olives. A tool that does double duty is always welcome in my home.

Victorio Cherry Stoner

I hope that you will love these products as much as I do. Once you try them out, you will wonder why you waited so long. All 3 of these helpers and much more are available on our website; Don't just take my word on them, try for yourself!

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