Monday, August 10, 2015

Five Fact Friday: Depression

This probably seems a bit of a strange way to start Five Fact Friday. But it's an important topic and five facts doesn't really do it justice, but for anyone stumbling on this post it can be used as a starting post to finding out more.

I've embedded a really helpful video, from a book of the same name, at the bottom of the post - please take the time to watch it, even if you've never encountered depression (probably especially if you've never encountered depression).

While we don't need people's attention or pity, it can be so important to have the people around us understand what's going on. It can help us feel supported during the long road to recovery or for some remission.

While these facts are well known, I've added my own personal thoughts to some of them. Please feel free to leave comments :)

  1. Everyone can feel down at times, but this will normally pass within a few days. If it does, it's unlikely to be depression. While depression is common; it's a serious condition that can deeply impact the life of the sufferer as well as friends and family.
  2. More than 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression globally. So while it might not feel like it right now: you are not alone. Unfortunately, from my experience, we isolate ourselves and make a room in our house our haven.
  3. Depression can be situational and/or bio-chemical. It can be hard to know which it is; therefore ensure that you get help. There are effective treatments available such as counselling and medication. Unfortunately, again from my own experience, there is no immediate fix.
  4. Looking after plants and/or animals can really help give purpose when we feel there is none. Plants are a bit easier to start with, especially when it's a struggle to look after ourselves. I really got interested in it and now really enjoy looking after my orchids and learning more about plants in general!
  5. Being in nature or even just a picture of a nature setting has been shown to help. There are even many nature sound videos on Youtube - such as rain, whales, and rainforest videos. I can also help to get out and around nature, even if it's just the back garden, on a regular basis.

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