Monday, August 10, 2015

A Kermit, a treasure trove, and a series of caches!

It's been a while since I wrote about Geocaching, but we've been steadily racking up the numbers (currently 356 finds!) - and the adventures.

During the past week we managed to find a cache called Kermit's Treasure Trove - but it wasn't as easy as just popping in some co-ordinates and rocking up for a cache and dash. Oh no, we had to find three caches before that; a multi-cache followed by two traditional caches.

We started on a lovely evening and a short multi-cache around the village of Shaw. This consisted of 6 sets of co-ordinates that would lead us to the actual cache location. Sometimes it's easy to forget the beauty of the landscape that surrounds us in Wiltshire - this was a time that I was reminded. Unfortunately, I didn't have the camera with me, so no lovely panoramic of the scenery. Finding this cache provided us with the very necessary Kermit travel bug. Very necessary because it is connected to a key that would later provide access to the Treasure Trove we longed to find.
Kermit and the key. One of two travel bugs with the key.

The very next day we were at it again. This time we needed to get the North and West co-ordinates for the final cache and they were split into two caches. Both were roadside caches.
First we had to pop into the library (not a clue). Where we swapped one of our books for Richard Mabey's Beechcombing book. We also found the cache and had the first half of the co-ordinates. All we had to do was get the next lot and we'd be on our way to finding this rather interesting cache.
The next stop was near these rather lovely ponies. They were very friendly and were happy for some freshly pulled grass from down the verge! We, on the other had, were happy to have the final lot of co-ordinates.

Now, as we had Kermit and therefore the key, we knew the cache must be some sort of metal box. Something like a petty cash tin was what came to both of our minds. What would it actually be - and could we even find it?

Yep! Of course we did. Another drive, almost to home. Then a very short walk to get to the location discovered from the previous two caches. The treasure trove is below - it's one of the biggest that we've found for a while.

The treasure trove.

The goodies!
A big thank you to kermitcar for a really interesting cache and to Lucy for driving us everywhere to complete the series!

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