Monday, August 10, 2015

Outdoor Swimming: Return to Farleigh Hungerford

I originally posted about swimming at Farleigh Hungerford in September 2011. Illness had since prevented me from taking to the water for a year or so, but a seed had been planted in my head. Perhaps a few seeds actually. Lucy had mentioned that she wanted to go again, but I originally delayed because I was feeling so rubbish. Then mum started mentioning swimming, she'd started at her local pool and had become a member. Finally, we were having a look around Trowbridge library and which book jumped out at me? None other than the outdoor swimmer's bible: Waterlog by Roger Deakin.

I just couldn't get swimming out of my mind. I knew I couldn't do to an indoor pool as I'd tried that a couple of times earlier in the year and the environment and the amount of people just made me feel worse than before I'd entered the water. But maybe, just maybe, I could handle it at Farleigh. I knew the place and the day wasn't so sunny that it would be busy.

So on Saturday 25 May in the afternoon, I mentioned to Lucy that perhaps we should give it a go. I'd try to swim, I said, but if not that I'd take Waterlog and just read while she swam.

We got there just after 3pm and met a couple that had tried the water, but were now bringing their wetsuits from the boot of their car. This worried me a bit, but I decided I'd try anyway.

Over the weir

I stepped in and was greeted by very cold water! Very cold. I walked around and stepped back onto the weir to 'have a look' at the wild life. Realising I'd have to go in, I braced myself and as our new friends had gotten in with their wetsuits, I decided to swim.

I managed a couple of lengths before running out of energy. After one length I'd warmed up enough to feel comfortable. A family turned up for a quick dip. Everyone seemed astonished at such masculinity - a person getting in the water without a wetsuit! Everyone, that is, except me. It was perhaps rather foolish, but needs must.

Up river. The way we swim
It was really great fun swimming in the midge-infested water. While I felt tired and achy from the excursion, I felt much better than when I'd been to our indoor pool.
Here's me and Lucy at the end of our swim. Luckily the sun came out in the end and we were able to dry off with a KitKat and a cup of tea! A short walk along the path to the camp site yealded some really interesting species - a male orange-tip butterfly and some crosswort. Then Lucy drove us home. Exhausted, but content.

To become a member, visit the Stowford Manor Farm Website where you'll also find information about camping.

If you'd like to visit this spot, click here. Already been here? It'd be great to hear your experiences in the comments.

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