Monday, August 10, 2015

Gardening with ME: Getting Started

In this post, I'm going to write about some planning and pacing ideas related to gardening with ME. I can only speak with my own experiences in mind, but if you suffer with ME or any other low energy issue; then perhaps this will be helpful.

Way before I was diagnosed I started thinking about how I could continue gardening when I was struggling to do even basic tasks, such as the washing up or some hoovering - in some ways chores inside the house are much more important than activities outside the house. But, as I can't work, there does need to be some flexibility in when necessary tasks are done to ensure that I have some enjoyable activities - otherwise life would deteriorate even further. So I needed to research and discover ways to help myself get back to gardening.

Over time, I've found that planning, pacing and making long term changes to the garden have become the most important tools to ensure I can get out in the garden, even for the shortest periods of time. Here are a few things that I've found helpful since the ME - and while they won't work for everyone or every situation; I hope you'll find them to be useful.

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